So I Thank You

It is 6am and my heart is racing and I am wide awake so you know what that means? Blog time!  On this particular morning I arose with a potent song on my mind and in my heart.  I have no idea why this song is so heavy on me, so after sifting through the lyrics, I've been inspired to construct this blog titled, "So I Thank You". 

 Singer Estelle might have hit the jackpot with her recent hit single, "Thank You".  It is a powerful, emotionally-driven song dedicated to a past ex or exes, who thought they had her destroyed or broken; but instead of complaining about it, instead of taking to Twitter and Facebook like thousands upon thousands do, instead of slashing his tires, she simply.......THANKED HIM.  Wait, wait, whoa! What do you mean? What can she possibly thank him for, seeing as he allegedly ruined his chance with her, and almost ruined her heart in the process?  And that's just it, she is thanking him for messing up and hurting her because had he not, she would not be the strengthened, better woman she is today.  So the song got me to thinking, how can I twist this song and throw some church on it?

When was the last time you thanked your enemy?  When was the last time you thanked an ex-mate, friend, co-worker, or even family member, who thought they had you defeated? Most importantly, when was the last time you thanked God for that pain you experienced.  Had you not been broken, how else would God have been able to pick you up in your pieces, put you back together, and allowed you to be stronger than ever?

Look at your life as a process similar to a worthy invention, or a new and improved creation, daily.  Whenever engineers, or makers deem their latest project complete, they must first test it, and 9 times out 10, they usually find something that can be bettered, so it is back to the drawing board they go until they KNOW their work is ready.

Isn't that how God is?  We know that we were fearfully and wonderfully made in His image (Ps. 139:14).  We know He is God and He does not make mistakes, but has it ever occurred to you that maybe God is just continually taking you back  to the drawing board to improve you and ensure that you're ready?  Paul reminds us that His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinth. 12:9),  and when we find ourselves weakened by life's many, many, did I mention, many trials, or malfunctioning due to sin, that is just an even more perfect opportunity for God to strengthen us and remind us that without his grace, we'd be in big trouble!

The line that sticks out to me the most in the song reads, " These tears I cry, sure won't be the last, They will not be the last .. no. Because this pain inside, never seems to pass, It never seems to pass me by. So I thank you, said I thank you, yes I thank you, for making me a woman (or man)", and that is just it! God, I may cry at night but I thank you. This pain may be hard to bear, but in you I have a refuge I can hide, so I thank you. I continually stumble, and mess up, but yet You still love me in my mess, so I thank you. People hurt me and betray me daily, but You promised You'd stick closer to me than any brother, so God I thank you for making me the vessel I am today.  Have you thanked Him lately?

Folks love God, love people, and then repeat!


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3 Responses to “So I Thank You”

  1. Lady B says:

    O wow this is good!!! I'm in the middle of separating from an ex and this really encouraged me! Thank you!

  2. Graciousone66 says:

    Son thank you for inspiring me, I needed this today, love you!

  3. Covnitkepr1 says:

    I write and maintain a spiritual blog which I have titled “AccordingtotheBook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

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