I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!
As I write this painful memories from my son's birth all the way through his year and a half of being on this Earth come to mind. I missed his umbilical cord being cut, his first cry, his birth certificate being signed, his first doctor's appointment, and even his first birthday party! As a matter-of-fact I did not know he even existed, but that all changed the day I met him.
The first time I held him he just grabbed my finger and cried; he would not even look at me. I was heartbroken and blamed myself because he did not even recognize the young man that was holding him. All that changed when he looked deep into my eyes. He just stared at me and smiled. I knew from that day that I was going to change our circumstances and I immediately began proving myself to his family.
I remember vividly the first time I stood at a toy store trying to figure out what to buy a baby I barely even knew. I solicited help from the assistants and I even kept my receipt just in case I completely failed, but lo and behold I still have little toys I bought him almost two years ago that barely cost me anything. I have learned that, it's not the extravagance of the gift, but the spirit in which it was given.
This little guy has completely changed my life. When I preach, he is right there. When I sing he is right there. When I run on the treadmill at the gym, he is right there watching cartoons complaining about how bored he is. I could not have imagined that a selfish, lost, playboy like myself would have ever put anything before myself, let alone a child, but I did and I have no regrets from it.
I am not perfect, I am still paying back child support, and I do submit this poor child to the intricacies of my ministry but I have learned that I am not a burden on him. He is greatly a part of everything I do. Before I make a decision, I think about his well-being or the impact it will have on him. I have been offered the chance to go places, make lots of money, and be free as a bird to take over the world but I will go nowhere unless this little booger is coming right along with me.
I say all this to let men all over the world know that YOUR PRESENCE is indeed A PRESENT to your children. No matter how broke, how inexperienced or how messed up you are as a man, imagine those same effects on a child who does not even know you exist. Get yourself involved in their lives. If you begin to prove yourself to the families involved and they decide to not let you come into their lives, that is what the court system is for. Use it to your advantage. Do not let the excuse that you're a black man facing paternity or custody issues hamper your efforts in being a part of your child's life.
I am a witness that if you walk into a court respectively and let your character speak for you, no judge in this world will deny you the chance to step up and prevent your child from being a statistic. Because face it, not only will your child become a statistic, you will become one too, so make sure the statistic is a positive one that will forever reflect on the dynamics and generational lay-out of your future blood line.
You can run all you want to, but you will never be able to hide the fact that your blood is still inside a child's veins and what you do now WILL affect them later. No matter what happens to my son, he will never be able to say daddy was not there. No matter what crazy decisions he make, he will not be able to say I am at fault for them. No matter how my son raises his future family, he will not be able to forget or deny the blueprint I am laying out for him.
I say all of this to simply state: Your seeds you lay will indeed sprout up producing either good fruit or bad fruit but you will never even witness or toll the watering and harvesting of the fruit if you are not there. The bible says it best, "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4
- Home Archives for 2012
Father where art thou?
Um Excuse Me? After All I Am the President!
The reason I have decided to undertake the writing of this particular blog is because I am embarrassed and bewildered beyond measure by the treatment and response to our President, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama’s recent State of the Union address conducted on last night. This address, once again provides another excellent example of why he is such a superb President. His work ethic, genuine concern, and leadership towards all citizens will forever set him a part from many of our previous Head of States.
A quick run-down of this message saw the POTUS focusing on Income Equality. He passionately reiterates his stance against the rich doing really well, while everyone else is not even given a fair shot at doing the same. After his stance against the Buffett Rule, where wealthy Americans can enjoy a lower effective tax rate than those in the middle or lower class is taken, President Obama proposes that anyone making over 1 million dollars will be required to pay a tax of at least 30%. At the same time, deductions would be eliminated on Americans earning more than one million. This would make a major tax hike for the wealthiest citizens, which by the way, only boils down to common sense fairness.
THIS HOWEVER IS NOT THE FOCUS OF THIS BLOG. The focus is being placed on how individuals in visual or vocal positions, approach the President and how they speak of him. This blogs focuses on college educated media representatives who lack tact. This blog focuses on the Bad, and The Ugliest of Politicking.
First, House Speaker John Boehner said he was expecting a speech that would propose “more spending, higher taxes, more regulations,” something he called “pathetic”. CNN writer, Charles Riley, from whom the majority of the facts in this blog is attributed to, even notes that these comments were “unusually strong for a member of the Congressional leadership”, and goes on even further to state what has all but become obvious, that the White House will face all out difficulty and little cooperation in passing any legislation.
So wait, the President is being hindered from doing his job because of jealousy, insecurities, and lack of common sense from the GOP as well as the Democratic Party? Mitch Daniels' Republican response to Mr. Obama’s first four years in office is that, “He has shown himself to be a divisive failure that has chosen class warfare and stifling big government.” So caring for the overall benefit of the people takes precedence over the government. Duh!
This all translates to pure, blatant disrespect and unprofessionalism. To hear America’s leaders, politicians, elite newscasts/media, and distinguished publications refer to Mr. President as “Barack” or “Obama” as if he was a musical artist, entertainer, or Pop-culture icon instead of the acclimated leader he is, is embarrassing and as Boehner aforementioned, “pathetic”.
Obama is not God, and he is not above any one man, boy, or girl, but he IS the Occidental College, Columbia University, and Harvard- educated leader of these United States of America, whose countless hours, sleepless nights, unprecedented work ethic, and dedication to the lowest of the lows, as well-as-the highest of the high American citizens merits respect on these credentials alone.
My status as an imperfect human with a very once in awhile tendency to have emotions, would even go as far as to say that his credentials should DEMAND the respect he is not given, but that is what makes Mr. Obama so unique. He maintains his integrity and coolness under pressure and he never changes his morals and bearings to reflect the lack of those around him.
Now the reasons for this disrespectful lack of morals and jealousies will be saved for another blog and another day but just know that John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness hasn't overcome it.” Obama is indeed this light that will always overcome the ever-present darkness of this world of politics and government.
So I Thank You
It is 6am and my heart is racing and I am wide awake so you know what that means? Blog time! On this particular morning I arose with a potent song on my mind and in my heart. I have no idea why this song is so heavy on me, so after sifting through the lyrics, I've been inspired to construct this blog titled, "So I Thank You".
Singer Estelle might have hit the jackpot with her recent hit single, "Thank You". It is a powerful, emotionally-driven song dedicated to a past ex or exes, who thought they had her destroyed or broken; but instead of complaining about it, instead of taking to Twitter and Facebook like thousands upon thousands do, instead of slashing his tires, she simply.......THANKED HIM. Wait, wait, whoa! What do you mean? What can she possibly thank him for, seeing as he allegedly ruined his chance with her, and almost ruined her heart in the process? And that's just it, she is thanking him for messing up and hurting her because had he not, she would not be the strengthened, better woman she is today. So the song got me to thinking, how can I twist this song and throw some church on it?
When was the last time you thanked your enemy? When was the last time you thanked an ex-mate, friend, co-worker, or even family member, who thought they had you defeated? Most importantly, when was the last time you thanked God for that pain you experienced. Had you not been broken, how else would God have been able to pick you up in your pieces, put you back together, and allowed you to be stronger than ever?
Look at your life as a process similar to a worthy invention, or a new and improved creation, daily. Whenever engineers, or makers deem their latest project complete, they must first test it, and 9 times out 10, they usually find something that can be bettered, so it is back to the drawing board they go until they KNOW their work is ready.
Isn't that how God is? We know that we were fearfully and wonderfully made in His image (Ps. 139:14). We know He is God and He does not make mistakes, but has it ever occurred to you that maybe God is just continually taking you back to the drawing board to improve you and ensure that you're ready? Paul reminds us that His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinth. 12:9), and when we find ourselves weakened by life's many, many, did I mention, many trials, or malfunctioning due to sin, that is just an even more perfect opportunity for God to strengthen us and remind us that without his grace, we'd be in big trouble!
The line that sticks out to me the most in the song reads, " These tears I cry, sure won't be the last, They will not be the last .. no. Because this pain inside, never seems to pass, It never seems to pass me by. So I thank you, said I thank you, yes I thank you, for making me a woman (or man)", and that is just it! God, I may cry at night but I thank you. This pain may be hard to bear, but in you I have a refuge I can hide, so I thank you. I continually stumble, and mess up, but yet You still love me in my mess, so I thank you. People hurt me and betray me daily, but You promised You'd stick closer to me than any brother, so God I thank you for making me the vessel I am today. Have you thanked Him lately?
Folks love God, love people, and then repeat!